


您是否知道您的水果榨汁机配可以保留人体所需的95% 酵素,同时还可以保持果汁的营养和新鲜度吗?如果你买的果汁机没有,可以去你当初买榨果汁机的地方或大型的电器专柜购买一个营养水果榨汁机.

西红柿汁:能保护皮肤弹性,促进骨骼发育,减退雀斑和面部色素沉着,其维生素P 可保护血管、防治高血压。

藕汁:富含铁、钙等微量元素, 植物蛋白质、维生素以及淀粉,有明显的补宜气血、增强人体免疫力作用。既通便又止泻, 健脾开胃,增进食欲。


黄瓜汁:能有效促进机体的新陈代谢, 减肥抗衰老,还可使神经系统镇静、增强记忆力,辅助治疗失眠。

胡萝卜汁:能增强人体免疫力,防癌抗癌,尤其适宜于糖尿病患者作为辅助治疗食物。还能保护视觉系统,刺激胆汁分泌, 中和胆固醇,增加肠壁弹性,安抚神经。

芹菜汁:安定情绪,舒缓内心焦虑和压力,是现代高节奏人士的良伴,是营养师给熬夜人群的必补推荐,最为关键的是,芹菜汁对高血压患者有明显降压作用。Tips:芹菜根不要扔掉,它含有丰富的维生素A、维生素B 1、维生素B2、维生素C和维生素P,尤其适合维生素缺乏者。



苹果汁:苹果汁的诱惑力在于它益智、增强记忆力。此外,苹果健胃, 止泻通便,能消除人体疲劳感,它富含的钾能综合体内过剩的钠使之排出体外,因此也有降压作用。




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Eat Your Fruits and Veggies for Longer Life


Eat Your Fruits and Veggies for  Longer LifeConsuming high amounts of beta-carotene’s less well-known antioxidant cousin, alpha-carotene, in fruits and vegetables can lower the risk of dying from all causes, including heart disease and cancer, new research suggests.

Both nutrients are called carotenoids — named after carrots — because of the red, yellow and orange coloring they lend to a range of produce. Once consumed, both alpha- and beta-carotene are converted by the body to vitamin A, although that process is believed to unfold more efficiently with beta-carotene than with alpha-carotene.

However, the new study suggests alpha-carotene may play the more crucial role in defending cells’ DNA from attack. This might explain the nutrient’s ability to limit the type of tissue damage that can trigger fatal illness, researchers say.

In the study, a team at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that over 14 years of follow-up, most people — regardless of lifestyle habits, demographics or overall health risks — had fewer life-limiting health troubles as their blood concentrations of alpha-carotene rose.

The effect was dramatic, with risks falling from 23 to 39 percent as an individual’s alpha-carotene levels climbed.

“This study does continue to prove the point there’s a lot of things in food — mainly in fruits and vegetables that are orange or kind of red in color — that are good for us,” said registered dietitian Lona Sandon, American Dietetic Association spokeswoman and an assistant professor of clinical nutrition at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. But Sandon stressed that, right now, the study only proves an association between alpha-carotene and longer life, and can’t show cause-and-effect.

The findings are to be published in the upcoming March 28 print issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine, with an online version of the report published Monday.

Researchers led by Dr. Chaoyang Li, from the CDC’s division of behavioral surveillance with epidemiology and laboratory services, note that a host of yellow-orange foods such as carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin and winter squash, and mango and cantaloupe are rich in alpha-carotene, as are some dark-green foods such as broccoli, green beans, green peas, spinach, turnip greens, collards, kale, brussels sprouts, kiwi, spinach and leaf lettuce.

These foods fall within the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s current dietary recommendations, which highlight the benefits of consuming two to four servings of fruit and three to five servings of vegetables daily.

Li’s team focused on more than 15,000 American adults, 20 years of age or older, who took part in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. All underwent a medical exam between 1988 and 1994, during which time blood samples were taken. Participants were tracked for a 14-year period through 2006.

By that point, more than 3,800 participants had died. Blood analyses revealed that, compared with those who had blood alpha-carotene levels of between 0 and 1 micrograms per deciliter (mcg/dL), those falling in the range of between 2 and 3 mcg/dL faced a 23 percent lower risk of death from all causes.

Risk of death for those with alpha-carotene blood levels in the range of between 4 and 5 mcg/dL, between 6 and 8 mcg/dL, and 9 mcg/dL or above dropped 27 percent, 34 percent and 39 percent, respectively, versus those in the 0 to 1 mcg/dL range.

The team also linked higher blood alpha-carotene levels to a lower risk for dying from the nation’s two top killers: cardiovascular disease or cancer.

Li’s team said that while more research is needed, the findings generally suggest that eating more fruits and vegetables can help lower your risk for premature death.

Sandon agreed, but cautioned against over-interpreting the findings.

“This is very preliminary,” she said. “There haven’t been many clinical trials looking into this. And it’s always tricky when you’re singling out a single nutrient, because components in foods may work individually or synergistically. The question is: Is alpha-carotene acting in conjunction with something else? We don’t really know,” Sandon explained.

“The alpha-carotene itself is probably not the cause of longer life,” she added. “But we can still say that if you’re getting more of these kinds of phytonutrients found in foods, this may help you live longer and healthier.”

The bottom line, according to Sandon: “I certainly think it would be wrong for people to take away from this that they should set out to specifically consume alpha-carotene. What people should take away from this is that they should go out and eat the foods that have alpha-carotene in them.”

And what about nutritional supplements? Li’s team pointed out antioxidant supplements currently on the market do not contain much, if any, alpha-carotene, and the study therefore only looked at the impact of consuming the compound via foods. More information:For more on alpha-carotene, visit the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

Distributed By: Infinitii COrporation Pte Ltd on 30 Nov 2010 http://www.infinitii.com


糙米是指脱壳后仍保留着一些外层组织,如皮层、糊粉层和胚芽的米,由于口感较粗,质地紧密,煮起来也比较费时,现在已经很少有人吃了。而精白米则是 糙米经过精磨、去掉外层组织得到的,也就是我们平常吃的比较多的大米,它不但看起来雪白细腻,而且吃起来也比较柔软爽口。但营养专家指出:糙米的营养价值比精米高。这是为什么呢?



Making of Brown Rice Tea

Relax and enjoy a cup of Brown Rice Tea, the latest health craze in Singapore. With a nutty flavour and a pleasant aroma, the Highlanders Brown Rice Tea is a refreshing brew of brown rice and herbs that relieves stress and alleviates insomnia and night urination problems within a week. Highlanders Brown Rice Tea is a unique product manufactured in Singapore and is the first and the only one of its kind in the world, so it is one tea you won’t want to miss!

Origins of the Brown Rice Tea

In the past, it was a common practice among sailors in the region to prepare fried brown rice water as a nutritional supplement to prevent diseases from occurring during their long sea voyages. As a nutritious brew, this brown rice preparation helped in building their strong body physique, which enabled them to carry out laborious jobs on board the ships.

The tradition of frying brown rice and then grinding it into powder for little children to consume has been passed down from generations to generations. Despite the long hours of preparation, many mothers in Singapore are still willing to do it because they recognize that the nutrients present in brown rice are essential for healthy development and growth in children.

Based on the traditional recipes passed down and the practices of the sailors, the Highlanders Brown Rice Tea was developed after much research and experimentation. It is an all-natural product made in Singapore, packed into sachets for convenient preparation.

100% Natural Ingredients

The Brown Rice Tea has been prepared from premium grade brown rice, Dang Shen and Licorice. Brown rice is rice that is partially milled to remove the husk, leaving the bran layer that is brown in colour. It is a whole grain and hence is richer in nutrition than white polished rice.

Dang Shen and Licorice are well known Chinese herbs and are commonly used in many food recipes. Dang Shen increases one’s stamina and resistance to disease. The blend of these natural ingredients has created miraculous results on many who have tried it.